The Planning Meeting I usually set up my planning meeting for a couple of days after I’ve sent out the scenarios. I want them to have a chance to fully review everything, create question discuss it b...
Strategy and Planning Now that you have a full application, all of their documents and the review has been completed this is where you add value. You need to block out uninterrupted time to review a ...
The Application Now that you have the application you also need to make sure you have their documents as well. Too many originators are application junkies but applications don’t close. Full loan fil...
The Initial Phone Call This sets the entire process in motion and you only get one chance to make a first impression. You need to really understand how important your first impression is. I’ve had c...
Why Does Your Process Matter? Let’s start out with why does it even matter what your process looks like before a client is in contract? The reality is that 5 or 10 years ago it wasn’t that important ...